Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Good Websites For Jobs

This is a good source of freelance production jobs, ranging from runners to camera operators.
You can create a profile from which employers can search and find if you are in the right area and have the correct skills to offer.

This has a large number of links to external resources related to jobs within this area.

This is another career networking site which you create a profile and employers search for you, there are other sites like this and the majority of them also charge a monthly fee for being registered.

This website helps you find your next job in Film or Television sends free job alerts, tailored to your service and location. Respond to any job alert by submitting your quote online, for free. Get listed in our supplier directory. Create a company or freelance profile, listing as many production services and locations as needed. Include your credits, gallery or show reel all for free.
We're a global marketplace. Get your CV and show reel in front of the 100s of production companies using Production Wizard worldwide.

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